Sisters of the Golden Moon was created in the Spirit of Love and Unity as a means to promote true sisterhood. With desire and strong voice, we celebrate the inner beauty of life and each other. We strive to provide a positive influence on the World Wide Web and to sisters everywhere. 

As Sisters of the Golden Moon we hold ourselves to a certain standard and expect no less from those that join us. We believe kindness and love conquer all. Each of us agrees to care for one another and to demonstrate love and forgiveness. We respect, honor, and support each sister without judgment, gossip, or negativity. We choose the higher path of love for we believe every sister is unique and precious, and holds a special place in our group and our heart. We realize each sister, in her uniqueness, brings something of great value to Sisters of the Golden Moon. We respect, honor, and support each sister and we hold each sister accountable for her words and her actions whether written or spoken. The words are forever for our word is our bond. 

We believe that all sisters should be treated equally. Regardless of race, nationality, spiritual convictions, sexual lifestyle, or past history. As sisters we are also mothers (of our own and of our sisters children) and as such we choose to protect our children's virtue and innocence therefore will not accept sites with pornography, hate, racism, bashing, other inappropriate content, or members under the age of 18. (Men will not be considered for membership.) Nude pictures on an Art website done in a tasteful manner at the discretion of the Founding members may be accepted on a case by case bases if a warning is given on all possible entrances to the nude art. 

Our guidelines are based on but not limited to the following descriptions: 

Pornography: Pictures or Literature of a sexually explicit nature, or links to the same. Sexually explicit refers to any portraying of a sexual act or portrayed to encourage or promote sexual acts. The nude form if done as art is not pornography, in fact we celebrate the beauty of the feminine and masculine form. 
Hate: Any words, symbols, or suggestions of hatred including anything that encourages hate toward any group, individual, or personal freedom or links to the same. Any sites that encourage hate crimes will be reported to authorities. 
Racism: Any hatred or negativity focused on an individual or group based on their ethical origins, heritage, skin color,sexual preference or race... or suggestion of or links to the same. 
Bashing: Any words or symbols of a negative or slanderous nature that is degrading or insulting toward any individual or group. Or suggestions of or links to the same. 

Upon acceptance in Sisters of the Golden Moon you shall be gifted with a personalized star as a symbol of your membership and your importance to us. We use the star because it represents a part of our galaxy, and a galaxy would not be a galaxy without it's stars. 

In order to help each other as sisters we have many teams to provide assistance, support, and joy to our members. As a member you agree to help by participating in at least one team. 

Our Commitment is sincere and our desires are strong. As one we shall succeed, as sisters by choice...not birth. We are ...

Sisters of the Golden Moon 






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