"Security is mostly a superstition,
it does not
I am a big, bold, creative, and funloving spirit. I am a Sagittarius on the cusp of Scorpio with Scorpio rising and my moon is in Taurus. I am a soul type 8 (please see the links in my integrative healing section for more information about this wonderful system for understanding our soul gifts from New Equations). I was told in a rare reading that I had several years ago that she saw rainbow leaves coming thru my hands (I'm a bodyworker and I have had a passion for rainbows and color for a long time). What a great reading....so when I saw this background, I knew it was right for me. I have had a very interesting, challenging, and sometimes difficult life. I have been tempered in the fire of life as everyone is eventually. I have been injured and in constant pain and had to work through it and learn what the underlying issues were and how to better take care of myself because I have a tendancy to do too much and give too much. But I have listened to my body and it's messages and I continue to learn. I've known great joy and love and have experienced loss and deep grief. Presently, my life is very full being a mom to my two daughters as well as having my own career and creative pursuits. My oldest daughter is 17 1/2 and she is very spirited and complex and independent and very sweet. She is a born teacher and works in two different elementary schools.. My youngest daughter is 14 and very creative and deep and funny when she's not very serious...lol. She is very insightful and artistic. I have been married to my hubby Mike for 28 years. He has alot of heart and is very caring and sensitive. He loves motorcycles and cars and has an ability to empath with animals. He has been profoundly hearing impaired most of his life and while he has encountered alot of hurtles and frustrations because of it, he has done very well. He's the assistant winemaker for a small winery near our house. We are incredibly lucky that we are still deeply in love, have a wonderful marriage, great friendship and continue to enjoy each other. Life is not perfect but it has many very sweet moments amongst all the other experiences and I am very grateful. I have been doing bodywork and integrative therapies for 19 years. I have my own office which is beautiful. I am very lucky to work just a couple of minutes from my home. I am a lifelong learner and love to read and go to classes and retreats and learn new things every day. I've also developed a passion for my computer for socialization, learning and creativity. My hobbies and interests include studying the human body and all of its systems and playing with my sweet dog Gracie and hanging with my little bird Buddy. I love music, color, art, doing graphics and socializing on my computer and being with my family and friends. You will find alot of information and images related to spirituality on my webpage. My personal beliefs are very eclectic. I have many pages dedicated to Spirit. I feel spirit all around me in everything and am grateful for the grace and blessings that come to me from the higher source. I have been blessed with alot of information, knowledge, and resources which I would like to share with the world. I have created many resource pages with inspirational quotes, stories and and sayings, book lists, art links, and integrative bodywork links which I hope will be helpful for you. ...hugs, Iris |